they slide, they dance, they live, they loveThis is about the numerous letters I will write about life 🙂 and living it, the problems we face and the other things we as humans talk about, not too controversial but I just wanna get my thoughts out there…Maybe offer a philosophical spin or too on it and of course showered in my personal opinion and humour , not to toot my own horn but every single letter should be an interesting read every so enjoy! If you have any topics you would like me to write about don’t be afraid to ask..

Dont be too critical now..

Yours Sincerley


Random thought! Random penguin picture description:

They dance, they sing, they love, they live

Because I like to think they are the most wonderful animals! Funny too, they just live life to the full in such a loving and intelligent way. You have to respect a species honesty, bravery and compassion that is shown throughout their lifetime. March of the Penguins. Enough said.

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